Friday, March 13, 2015

Rimma Chaldymbaeva "10 reasons to use smartphones and tablets at efl classes"

Rimma has been using a tablet and a smartphone for three years now and she has 10 good reasons why you should do it too.

1. Personalization.
Idea: ask a student for a letter from an alphabet. Then search for the contact in your phone starting with this letter. Name him/her and ask students to ask you questions about this person. Then students can work in pairs 

2. Motivation
Idea: add some listening to a traditional running dictation. Record a story/text on your smartphone and make students transfer it to their notebook.
Tools: for engaging quizzes

3. Organizing learning process. Ss can note down homework, a teacher can use digital notebooks like evernote to send students reminders and share the materials from the class

4. Economy. No paper involved!

5. Differentiation.
Idea: Ss choose podcasts or video they would like to watch and control the speed and number of times they will watch/listen to it. 

6. Facilitates special needs education.
Tools: Proloquo2go enables speech impaired learners communicate with a teacher in the class.

7. Evidence.
Idea: Ss can record an interview and evidence for their project/homework

8. Assessment and self assessment. In a big class with no time to spare try using the following
Idea: ask Ss to record their voice in the lesson and check it after the lesson.

9. Reflection and self-reflection. Ss are able to record and document their progress
Tools: use whatsapp to give students feedback

10. Learning outside the classroom-> developing autonomy

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